The official kick-off

I can’t believe I’m finally writing again, feels about 10-15 years too late. Or maybe not. Besides “better late than never”, perhaps now I won’t say as many stupid things as I would have. My ‘thing’ in life seems to be Understanding, so that is what I hope to contribute while I try to spend my life healthily obsessing.

Here’s some things I hope to write about:

  • The projects I work on. I’ll build in public to keep myself accountable, unlike the past decade.
  • Self-compassion and mental health. I’ll treat myself better while doing this. Bet.
  • Science and technology. I’ll report on information that I find fascinating and useful.
  • Random interesting. I’ll collect some entertaining bits of the world that I come across.
  • Life experiences. I’ll leave lessons I learned for secondhand experience.
  • Making meaning. I’ll elucidate on my theories about life, and defragment them.

The goal of my writing, other than to express myself, is to be useful - whether as a resonant signal, brain tickle, or applicable information.

TODO: Change the image